
▒ iLL-trated ▒

The woman ill-treated physically or psychologically.The domestic violence between a pair is a serious enough thing, one gives the case with some motives:

- the man normally is the aggressor and the woman the damaged one, the man believes himself that his wife is of his possession and can do with her what wants.
- the woman thinks that to be ill-treated is a normal thing and to think that it loves as him, is normal.

This is a serious problem and we us should face this one by which many women have been ill-treated, they are being ill-treated and we should not allow that this continuára.In the latter year 63 women have died to the hands of her husbands.

If he beats you...

He doesn't love you

Love you your....

Denounce him !!!


The sense of the sight

The sense of the sight is the one that allows to the man to know the way that surrounds it, to relate to his similar ones. The visual images provide him across the eye, information about the color, the form, the distance, position and movement of the objects.
I chose this sense, for which it is the one that more was called me the attention, and he looks like to me one of the most important for the human being.


Danmark the poblan 5.342.803 persons, his capital is Copenhagen. Govern: constitutional parliamentary monarchy. Other cities: Århus, Odense, Ålborg, Frederiksberg, the currency is the Danish wreath, the language is Danish but as the second language it is the English, his official name is: Kongeriget Danmark.

Photo: Jurgen Freund
(Nyhaven's port)

EuroBeat!! wauUU!!

This year the project is An Eurobat.
We are preparing everything for us for the comitee:D.
East consists of every
college that takes part a performance, interpretation to be prepared ... something to show the others, we are preparing a cumbia, in classes of music for the
present time we are
dedicating them to preparing ourselves!!
I am charmed with doing projects of these but I like this one much for which it is a question of music. bate, paces, dance!
And to report it to be going to interpret to Danmark and to be there 2 or 3 days in Copenhague :D

Super Nanny

Súper Nany It is a program of a girl: súper Nany that helps the parents of problematic children, this chapter treats of a family, a few parents who have three children who providing that they want something put to berrear and ultimately they obtain what they want.The work of súper Nany is that it should not be like that, and the parents, following¡ the advices of súper Nany obtains his goals.
It is a very constructive program.

-- The Ballet --

History: The dance is one more way of expressing, as one speaks, writes herself, the stenography exists...The classic dance is the mother of all the dances or the majority, is universal, is the theatrical interpretation. We find big differences between the ballet of entertainment that was offering itself in the palaces the kings, and that of our days, which tends to be a more philosophical ballet In the 18th century in France.

During the reign of Luis XIV, great dancer, when the courtiers (ballet of cour or ballet of the court), and the dancers became professionals. It was in this at the time when the king I found in Paris, the National Academy of the dance, being the first vocational school of dance, and for this reason, the language of the ballet continues being in Frenchman.


PersonaL OpinioN ((bOoK))

I have liked It enought, am short but it has been enterteining and a thing that I have liked is that to investigate and to guess the things that you needed you had to red other pages and then to find the sense to the history

Natasha Kampush's kidnapping

In 1998, when Natasha was 10 years old she was kidnapped by 44-year-old Wolfgang Priklopil, who supported it for eight years in that of basement of her house, until at the end of this August she escaped after a carelessness of his captor.
On having discovered that Natasha escaped he committed suicide throwing itself to the routes of a train.
They did an interview to
him, and she counted what had lived from 10 years, the topic of sexuality refused to speak it. It was enclosed in the basement 6 months until they extracted it to have a shower, also she was speaking of that if she had not left
her to walk for the house she had become mad, that after a lot of time could read the newspapers and that sometimes was extracting it to the street but was threatening him with that if she was shouting or saying something he would damage to the people and she did not want to risk.
Now she’s in medical and psychological services.

World 2006 of basket

Spain trod literally on your rival in the final of the World one of Japan. On September 3.
Pau Gasol's absence supposed a big problem, but it turned out to be
everything opposite, turning into an additional motivation for that to gain the gold. The Spanish went out to warm with a vest in the one that could be read " Pau also plays ". There was alone a symptom of which something big was going to happen.

It was an amazing game the Spanish during the game were taking an average of almost 20 difference points, and the scoreboard
remained ultimately with 70-47 winning Spanish!!
And they declared Pau Gasol the best player of basket of the world!....I'm charmed with the basket!


Italy is there proclaimed champion of the World of Football by fourth time in his history, after winning to France for penalties in the final celebrated in Berlin the night of July 26, 2006

visited of PaPa

The German cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected a new Pope on April 19, 2005 and adopted the name of Benedicto XVI. It was the name that more had fought between the list of the papables. The Pope Benedicto XVI visited Valencia the día 8 y 9 of July in her first trip to Spain on the occasion of the closing of the World V Encuentro of the Family. Under the motto The transmission of the faith in the family, the organization estimated in almost two million the persons who came to see to her Holiness

Accident, the METER in VALENCIA

The desaster happened to them 13:00h On July 3, 43 persons died in the derailment of two coaches in the meter of Valencia. The train was covering the distance of the line 1 and was between the stations of Plaza of Spain and of Jesus, in Patraix's central neighborhood. The driver of the damaged convoy is one of the mortal victims, The Generalitat delivered a judgment three days of mourning.They confirmed the desaster it was a fortuitous accident, The subdelegate of the Government in the Valencian Community that the accident exists due to a combination between a speeding and the break of one of the wheels.


şĀņťїαĝǿ Я@mÓŊ ŷ ĊàЈàĻ

Santiago Ramon y Cajal was born on 01-05-1852, in Petilla in Aragon, Spain. It was licensed in attorney of medicine. The director of the museum of anatomy of Saragossa. One began to be interested in the hipnosis, and discovered the cellular unit of the nervous system. He is obtained a prize "Fauvelle" of the Societé, the international prize of Moscow and in Spain Isabel's great cross the Catholic and the Great cross of Alfonso XII. He is a writer of books and it publishes them. He died 14-10-1934.


The promises it is a movie that treats of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. More than a movie it is a documentary done by a few children Palestinian one and other one different Israelis, who want to know and to see his different positions, manners of thinking, etc. He obtains this the children that to interviewed of a religion and of other one, they want to be known, to play, to speak, to weighing " of the hatred " that they had.Problem that exists between among Israel and Palestine is very difficult. Israel's conflict and Palestine goes half a century already. Arafat the representative leader of Palestine and Israel lidedrado for Ariel Sharon. It he begins in 1947, when the general Assembly of the ONU adopts the declaration according to which Palestine is divided, This has been a conflict in which the aim is of placing in the territory and the great part report of the territory to occupy this pertenecia Palestine. This is a conflict in which it he does not advance anything, and lives are lost constant


The bulling is: to intimidate a person who well can be psychologically or physically, threatening, insulting, etc.
It is possible to provoke very easily the bulling! Even that the persons who do it are not good persons.The bulling is given between the young teenagers from ten to sixteen years.


This year we have touched us to do the interchange with France, the truth that I have liked very much for that with the girl that I have interchanged myself I have got on enough good, his family was treating me well, etc.
We visit the castle, the old town, the Channel du midi, etc.
In the evenings we all were in the habit of staying almost. With that moreI have been during this week they have been with Vera and M ª Luz.
I had not managed to laugh so much in one week!
I me spent it very well to others I liked very much the activities that we did.
Less Andrea's problem than had to change house and that of Rose and Rubén that they were not going out I believe that everything has been OK! We did many photos to ourselves and here I put some in order look at!


The situation in Nepal is that a bad enough situation has lived. The political system of Nepal is like ours, they have the monarchy and the democracy, and the king has be able very little. Then, it decided that he wanted to give the orders on all and especially and to destroy the prime minister and and to eliminate to the parliament, up to turning in to a dictator, which more was ordering. To a little time, after the manifestations of the inhabitants of Nepal, the European union realized the gravity of the matter of the matter and acted. They threatened to attack it if not towards which everything was returning to the normality, and the king decided to return to change everything for his power.

ťHĒ ĥŨmÂמ řÌĠht

The human rights are a few fundamental rights Thinking that the freedom, the justice and the peace in the world take as a base the recognition of the intrinsic dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all the members of the human family.
On December 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human rights, not in all the countries it is respected equally.


mŏßĺĿé ÞĥǿמE & ëđúĆåťїǿŅ

It seems to my me that mobile phone is a silly thing. If you want to study you can as it has always been done, sitting in a comfortable chair in your room, where you could be concentrated and you do not need so much mobile phone , because then you neither study you do not even do anything. It is not the same thing as computers , because with computers is easier to study and be concentarted.



The Pentagon glides to try "the mother of all the conventional pumps" "Divine Strake", 700 tons of explosives of high power, in the desert of underground Nevada to study the complicated destruction of búnkeres in hostile countries like Iran.



I believe that ETA it has said that cease-fire to recover of forces so that it will have remained loose, the truth is that not that to think so that is a little strange that they say suddenly that they were going to stop because what is what they want in exchange for that, to part other times have made truce and has been false... I do not know it but hopefully that what that says is truth and the attacks in


ǾρÌמÍÔמ ôךּ ŢĦè ŇeẄ †ėςĤńθľóĜїẺŝ

To my it seems to me good idea to work with this of the new technologies. It raises have demonstrated that more is learned, but nonsingle in mathematics if not that we can apply it subjets to many, thing that already we are doing in our school. And that the account people of which the new technologies do not only serve to play if not that stop to work and to learn many things. But everything is not due either to do with the computer. The students must know of head some basic questions, as the tables to multiply and can neglect the mental arithmetic so that the machines make the work. I like this of the new technologies but taking advantage of his use.