
♥ Denmark ♥

The Kingdom of Denmark is a country in Jutlandia's peninsula to the north of Europe, which forms a part of the European Union The territory of the country borders on the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, in a peninsula and several islands to the north of Germany and to the southeast of Sweden. It is necessary to indicate also that Denmark is a country where the equality of kind is practically a value idiosincrático nationally, the women work and enjoy practically all the benefits that his masculine counterpart. Another national value typical of the Danishes is the hospitality.
The bicycle is a way of extremely popular transport, healthy and very taken in account(bill) in the urban development tracing of the Danish populations, rails exist bicycle and are extended by the whole city.

All that is facilitated by a practically flat country, which higher point does not reach 200 meters on the level of the sea...

Helen's Camera

Committe Europa

As every year, this year the committee Europe has touched in Denmark.
Two years ago The committee was here in Valencia and we received Danishes At the time we have coincided and some friends we have returned to see the Danishes that already we knew!
I have touched a very humble and hard-working family.
The trip was brilliant for that to go with all the friends of class is very enterteining!
When we come the Danishes received very well to all Those lands they are beautiful, since it rains there is many vegetation
My family led me to visiting the city: The house where the Queen was living of there, the beach, the old town, the malls, we went to give a return in bicycle,
I was charmed with the experience, a family very nice.
Every day were staying with my friends and the truth that made me very short.
We did the show of the bottles, we cannot complain but in other occasions it worked out better, but undoubtedly someone we were the one who MORE it worked.
And I me seize it genially touching!

This trip has been fantastic!
ME & My camerA...