

A cómic they are a few tales to a series of drawings that with them a statement produces to itself, it can have with text or without text.

There are many Cómics till now published but I personally of that more read they are Mortadelo and Filemón a few agents entrusted to look for cases, to catch the thieves, etc.

Directed by his chief, always many adventures happen,but usually it’s in the habit of finishing well.

I LOVE Mortadelo and Filemón... (L)

So much I like that always I draw them everywhere...
In the walls of my room, albuns, and this summer draws them in my summer slippers ----->

Also I have them identical with the cork of my bedroom, where I put the schedules of the school, etc.

Every painted for my!

My opinion
My photos



A party celebrated by the North Americans, the whole world knows wherefrom it comes, so I am going to centre on other topics like...

The gourds.
The gourds come from an Irish legend of that Jack was a man who dies and of so bad that he was they were not leaving him to enter either to the sky or to the hell, condemned to stroll around for the world and it looks for an entry in some house, because of it they were putting cabbages to frighten it, but ultimately the cabbages changed for gourds that it was more common in those lands.
This myth made grow the whole gastronomy with the gourd

The disguises , they say that it is relatively recent and that it was created in France when Europe was threatened by the pest. The plague provoked among the Catholics a great fear of the death, the day of " all the saints " there were done artistic representations that reminded(remembered) to the people his own mortality, and with the time they met to place to a party of disguises the death of subject!

The origin of " Trik or treat "...
In the night of Halloween the American children go out to the street To calling his neighbors giving them to choose between delivering a sweet or receiving a fright

It is said that the black cats it is a disguise that the same witches use to be walked calmly by the city.

Nowadays the night of Halloween it is recognized by all the satanistas, ocultistas and adorers of the devil as eve of the new year for the witchcraft. For many it is the night in which the satanic power and of witchcraft they are in his higher level of power.


Catastrophe in Alicante

Because of torrential rains it have exceeded rivers and ravines in the from Alicante region.
They have done the first evaluation of the property damages, 1.200 flooded real estate (The majority you marry individuals), 1500 ruined vehicles, like municipal endowments, centers of health, and civic overwhelmed.

In Calpe, the balance of hurts is of: 1.200 ruined vehicles, 80 flooded basements, low 100 commercial the overwhelmed ones, 50 affected buildings and 15 kilometres of road urban destroyed.
The statistics of losses is completed by the complete break of the wall of the maritime walk... I think that it's going to affect economically this people since do not receive any type of help.
I have an apartment in Calpe, and family there, we haven't gone this weekend because of seeing the television newscasts, but we have spoken with our family and they say that it is very much a disastrous of what they say in the television!

Here there are a few photos that my sister-in-law has done.

CredIts: newspaper EL PAIS, my opinion & Eva Angelina's Information

Photos: Eva Angelina


Travel... Italy & Switzerland

I went to Milan (Italy), Went out On September 18 in the evening and we come in the night, there we rent a car of 9 places for which also they were coming my 2 uncles, 2 cousins, my brothers, my parents and ME!.

This night we sleep in Milan, the following day we went away of way to Bern the capital of Switzerland, the following day we went to Zurich and the following day we returned to Milan and the following day we returned.
They are two different countries!

Milan: I was in the square of the Duómo and in the cathedral also, the rest ... dirty streets, as a normal city.

Switzerland: It was quite like in the movies, beautiful landscapes, everything the green one, a lot of trees, cows, everything the clean and tidy super one.
All the roads adapted to the bicycles, I liked so much!

In Italy I understand more for that the Italian belongs very similar to the Spanish, but in Switzerland we had to extract the English where from it was’n!

The travel was very well!

Voley-ball tournament

Every years in Cortes de Baza (Granada) organize a tilt of voley to that all the peoples of villages that surround it come to play in the tilt.
Normally they become teams of four and it is played in a smooth field, but this year has been done in the municipal swimming pool, a chunk where there is sand and beach has been of voley.
22 pairs have played.
The whole entire day playing. From 10:00 a.m. until 21:00.

It was very hard Winners:
Miguel & Helena!
Ou yeAH! Muahahhahha!

El sueño de morfeo

El sueño de Morfeo is a group Celta/pop/rock, proceeding from the Asturias.
Composed by Raquel (voice) and Juan Luis Suárez and David Feito (guitar).
Juan and David were living in Asturias and already they were touching together and were composing, to them they Raquel joined with 18 years that I leave The islands Canaries to try in Asturias as Singer, in 2002 David and Raquel extracted a disc called Xemá, it did not reach too much success. On this disc, it was possible to estimate more than in second his Celtic style.

Later Juan joined to the group in 2003, and they decided to choose another name for the group and extracted the second disc (El sueño de Morfeo) it went out to the light in 2005.
His first single “Que nunca volverá” it was a best-seller in Spain, and his second single, “Ojos de cielo”.
This summer they have acted in Calpe (alicante) between other more and I have been present at the concert, it was vEry well!



The podcasting consists of creating sound files (generally in format ogg or mp3) and to distribute them by means of a file RSS so that there allows to sign and to be used a program that unloads it in order that the user listens to it in the moment that wants, generally in a portable breeding player.The term podcasting arises as the acrónimo of the words pod and broadcast. It was suggested by the first time among other terms, for Ben Hammersley A podcast is alike a subscription a blog spoken in that we receive the programs across Internet. Also an advantage of the podcast is the possibility of listening in places without coverage.



Presumptuous and arrogant, Jerjes believes himself the histories on his proper divinity. The Persian Empire controls practically the entire world and his Emperor, Jerjes, is at the head of an army of million soldiers. Conquering nation after nation, the kings kneel down before him as slaves. He will not rest until the entire world falls to his feet. The only jewel that escapes from himof the hands is Greece; nevertheless, Jerjes is sure that his army can defeat to this small group of cities been. Face is not until Leónidas and his small group of 300 men plant him, when Jerjes understands what is the defeat. Leónidas is a mystery for Jerjes. He does not manage to understand for what free man it wants to die before surrendering to his tyranny.


♥ Denmark ♥

The Kingdom of Denmark is a country in Jutlandia's peninsula to the north of Europe, which forms a part of the European Union The territory of the country borders on the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, in a peninsula and several islands to the north of Germany and to the southeast of Sweden. It is necessary to indicate also that Denmark is a country where the equality of kind is practically a value idiosincrático nationally, the women work and enjoy practically all the benefits that his masculine counterpart. Another national value typical of the Danishes is the hospitality.
The bicycle is a way of extremely popular transport, healthy and very taken in account(bill) in the urban development tracing of the Danish populations, rails exist bicycle and are extended by the whole city.

All that is facilitated by a practically flat country, which higher point does not reach 200 meters on the level of the sea...

Helen's Camera

Committe Europa

As every year, this year the committee Europe has touched in Denmark.
Two years ago The committee was here in Valencia and we received Danishes At the time we have coincided and some friends we have returned to see the Danishes that already we knew!
I have touched a very humble and hard-working family.
The trip was brilliant for that to go with all the friends of class is very enterteining!
When we come the Danishes received very well to all Those lands they are beautiful, since it rains there is many vegetation
My family led me to visiting the city: The house where the Queen was living of there, the beach, the old town, the malls, we went to give a return in bicycle,
I was charmed with the experience, a family very nice.
Every day were staying with my friends and the truth that made me very short.
We did the show of the bottles, we cannot complain but in other occasions it worked out better, but undoubtedly someone we were the one who MORE it worked.
And I me seize it genially touching!

This trip has been fantastic!
ME & My camerA...




They are a few holidays that celebrate the Valencia, the name of faults corresponds to artistic constructions of combustible materials in his set, which figures represent known like “ninots”.

The neighbors' group they constitute the commission fallera, being his members known as falleros and falleras.
Nowadays, this festivity has turned into a tourist very important attraction.
Habitually the faults are provided with satirical character on topics of current importance. The faults are in the habit of having several meters of height (the biggest come to 25 or 30 meters).

Also there are pyrotechnic spectacles.
Valencia together with China they are the biggest pyrotechnic.

The mascletás the mas preferred by the Valencian ones and less understood with visitors.
To understand them is necessary to be close to the place where they are exploded, since it is not a question of seeing, but of being sorry and hearing, everything concerning a few minutes.

Then the castles are where the important mas is the NIT DEL FÓC where thousands that kg of gunpowder illuminate the sky of Valencia, managing to congregate more than one million persons to attend it.



Approximately 3.000 years ago the sanhaja, preceding people of the different groups Berbers initiated a migration from the north towards the northwest of Africa. In his advance, they were expelling towards the south the population of black skin who was living in the Sahara, until they managed to occupy the whole territory. Nevertheless, the control of the sanhaja on the desert was not complete until they started using the camel, it does approximately 2.000 thousand years.
For many centuries the sanhaja who were living the zone of the western Sahara faced to other villages the aim to support the control of the routes that were crossing the desert of north on south. This way, in the IXth century they took Aoudaghost's control that was a center of the route transahariana, until they lost it at the end of the same century to hands of the “soninké”, group proceeding from the current Ghana.



In chapter 2 of Nation of Rebels there was a lot of discussion concerning conformity and capitalism, citing the movie American Beauty... Another movie that I think hits on this topic surprisingly well is 1996's Trainspotting starring Ewan McGregor. Since we're looking at compromising innate desires in the name of society as well as listening to Iggy Pop's 'Lust for Life,' I thought that looking at the opening sequence of the film adaptation of Irvine Welsh's 1993 novel might be appropriate.

"Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends.

Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit- crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?"



тнє gгєєинοuѕє єғғєст

In the atmosphere It have a gases that his names is: Gases of greenhouse.
The sun send energy in a bell-shaped sunlight or hot.
Leter the energy rebound and send in a bell-shaped infrared.
The gases of greenhouse absorb this energy as a sponge,
It are (calentando) the Tierra surface as the around air.If the gases greenhouses aren’t in the Tierra, the planet has got -30 Cº to now.

The cap of ozone has got a hole, reason to get burn petrol and coal.
The sun energy come more straight.
Consequence: It Will affect at cycle the water.
The greenhouse effect has been to transform to the men in threat in his security


Christmas In The World (*)


The familys have got a Christmas Tree, to lights and garlands decorate.
They Usually put the Nativity
scene down Christmas tree.
On Christmas Eve and Christmas
the family to get for dinner and to pass the midnight, they exchange the presents.
They participate in the midnight mass.


A tradicional supper to incluye turkey with ham and plum pudding
Some Australian celebrate this supper in the open air, in the beach Bonfi to Sindey. Since 1937 in Melbourne celebrate the “ Villancicos a la Luz de las Velas” in day before Christmas. This night, people get to sing Carols light to candle


The preparations Start 6 December. They make cokies and decorate every homes. Any set are fruits. The children leave letter in the windows and is to head for Christkind.
People think so than Christkind is a messenger angel to the Children Jesus
The germans Are famous to make a good ginger house

Francia and India

Day before christmas, the children put shoes nex-to his chimney, last Father Christmas go to put presents
In the Christmas morning the children find in his Christmas tree… prsents, sweets and fruits.
As well They perform in the cathedral performences to Nativity Scene, With Actors or puppet show


Christmas In SpaiN

Christmas Eve:

The day of the Christmas Eve is the night on 24 December.
The family Usually join to have this night. Papa Noel sometimes
brings any Presents. Papa Noel Goes in some houses but Goesn’t in others house… In my house there aren’t chimney and Papa Noel goesn’t to my house
This night children’s band, friends, cousins, etc, go to houses,
singing and playing the percussion instrument.
To ask for the (aguinaldo).


The next day, 25 December is Christmas, the family as well to meet
For diner.

New Year's Eve:

We celebrate the last day of the year: 31 December
The family Usually as well to meer
for Diner and afterwards, at twelve o’clok, We eating the twelve grape. Is a tradition, every years at the end of the year for to star the year and a good luck.

Biblical Magi:

Is the 6 Jenuary.
The three wise men (Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar)
Go the night of 5 Jenuary and We have go to bed very early. And the next day …6 Gener If You have were good during the year The three wise men bring More presents but If you have were bad They bring coal. This day We as well eating the typical candy ( Roscón de Reyes).