
Super Nanny

Súper Nany It is a program of a girl: súper Nany that helps the parents of problematic children, this chapter treats of a family, a few parents who have three children who providing that they want something put to berrear and ultimately they obtain what they want.The work of súper Nany is that it should not be like that, and the parents, following¡ the advices of súper Nany obtains his goals.
It is a very constructive program.

-- The Ballet --

History: The dance is one more way of expressing, as one speaks, writes herself, the stenography exists...The classic dance is the mother of all the dances or the majority, is universal, is the theatrical interpretation. We find big differences between the ballet of entertainment that was offering itself in the palaces the kings, and that of our days, which tends to be a more philosophical ballet In the 18th century in France.

During the reign of Luis XIV, great dancer, when the courtiers (ballet of cour or ballet of the court), and the dancers became professionals. It was in this at the time when the king I found in Paris, the National Academy of the dance, being the first vocational school of dance, and for this reason, the language of the ballet continues being in Frenchman.